26 August 2007

August - a season for apologies !


Well it certainly looks like the sorry season …. What this month of august has done I do not know but its certainly making everyone.. Well at least the Europeans apologetic about the past …. It was few weeks back the Danish minister of culture said sorry for the Viking attacks on the coast of Ireland approximately 1200 years ago i.e. around 700 A.D. while he was taking part in the celebrations as part of which few sailors rowed the famous Viking long boats from the Danish port to the coast of Ireland …
Whether it proved that the Danes are now sorry I’m not sure but it did prove that even after 2 millennia the long-boats are darn seaworthy ….

To me this seems far removed from logic but since when have politics, sensationalism have been on the same side as reason ….


And in the later half of the august.. The Britons jumped the bandwagon apologizing for the slave trade … London Mayor Ken Livingstone made an emotional apology Thursday for his city's role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade as he was speaking at London's first Annual Slavery Memorial Day ceremony… he said that London is still reaping the benefits of the slave trade and that there must be events organized all over England to mark …

I have one thing to ask the honorable mayor that … if you people are really sorry then there are better things to do than weep in public …

Find out , estimate the amount of money that was made by London during the dark days of slave trade … make a list of things you guys looted from the continent .. as all mineral resources belong to the nation state … and hand them over to the Africans…

Well that might seem like an impossible solution... so at least help the under developed nations by granting them a substantial aid and help them get a hold over their lives as they are battling HIV... Hunger … and so avoidable diseases …. Rather than create a sham all over England by holding press conferences and an “yearly UK wide event each year.”!!!

But then.. Saying sorry is much easier than that isn’t it … and if “The notoriously outspoken Livingstone seldom apologizes for anything “….. Weeps in front of a camera … its world wide news splashed all over newspapers …
well mayor you have done your part and made some of the Britons feel “REDEEMED “ .. by saying -“SORRY GUYS! “

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